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What is the purpose of Today’s 99% Inc.?

The purpose of Today’s 99% Inc. is to create and sustain a movement whereby the 99% will gain sociopolitical control over the 1% to free ourselves from the economic inequality and oppression they create upon us. To attain this we need a revolution and this website gives us the tools to accomplish it. 

How does Today’s 99% Inc. advocate for the 99%?

The website,, provides a means for the 99% to pool its financial resources to counter the ill effects of the 1%’s lobbying campaigns in Washington DC. We will meet this goal by changing wealth-bought legislation in Congress to favor the 99% and accomplish this by doing our own lobbying campaigns. Our VIP Members sign up for a $15 monthly subscription to generate the revenue we need to accomplish this.
(See the ABOUT section on the top navigation bar and then look under the eighth section down titled, “ABOUT OUR NUMBERS.” This explains how we can generate the needed revenue to counter and even exceed the 1%’s lobbying campaigns in Washington with our own lobbying campaigns that favor economic outcomes for the 99%.)

Who is eligible to become a member?

Anyone over 18 years of age who pays a monthly $15 subscription fee can become a VIP Member and those who have a subscription at no charge, our Free Members, are also eligible to become members. Additionally, everyone must be willingly to abide by our Terms of Service. We welcome Republicans, Democrats, and Independent voters who are not aligned with any political party. Economic inequality hurts everyone regardless of ideology –we are all in this together and must work cooperatively for our common good.

VIP Members can participate in all aspects of our site including writing in our Forum Topic discussions, our Polls (which includes voting privileges regarding community matters and the direction our platform takes), and Messaging to other members. These individuals are the tip of the spear of our revolution; we honor their devotion and service to stopping economic inequality holding them in high esteem.

Free Members have the same privileges as that of VIP Members, including posting in our forum topics, but with one significant exception; they can only read our Polls but cannot participate in them. Hence, they have no voting rights when it comes to community matters and setting the direction our platform takes. Although their membership is free, they are encouraged to make donations to advance and support our community. But as it is true with all social movements, just sitting on the sidelines is not sufficient to make an impactful change. Rather, we hope these individuals will eventually change their subscriptions and become VIP Members. This will allow them to fully participate in and support our cause. 

The hard truth is that without their eventual direct financial support, this site will not have the financial wherewithal to counter the lobbying by the 1%. Hence, the platform will not be successful at stopping economic inequality and improving the quality of all our lives.

How does the 1% create economic inequality?

With their great wealth, the 1% advocate for legislation, rules, and regulations that favor their growing wealth and power, to the detriment of the 99%. Their influence is further increased as they shape national values, expectations, and politics.

Has economic inequality been increasing?

Yes. The huge discrepancy in US economic inequality continues to increase, as measured by the Gini Coefficient. Just a small increase in this number reflects a huge difference in the amount of inequality and its toxic effects.

In 2011, when the original Occupy Wall Street movement was underway, the Gini Coefficient was 0.475. By 2022 it had increased to 0.484, the highest it has been in 50 years according to the US Census Bureau.

Why is economic inequality bad for the 99%?

Economic research shows when the vast majority of our nation’s wealth and power are in the hands of the few, instead of more evenly distributed among the many, the result is hugely corrosive. Just to name a few, this is seen in increased economic instability and inflation, decreased life expectancy, increased infant mortality rates, increased climate change and pollution, increases in drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness, and decreased women rights. 

How will Today’s 99% Inc. specifically stop the 1%?

Today’s 99% Inc. will hire a Washington, DC, lobbying firm to promote the passage of laws and projects beneficial to our 99% community. We will focus on tax laws that stop the creation of economic inequality by putting cash back into the hands of the 99%. And we will fund and conduct special projects with proven potential to stop economic inequality. 

Economic inequality significantly harms each of us in the 99%, regardless of our ideology. By joining the website, we can stop economic inequality and improve the quality of our lives. We may even save our lives in the looming technological future.

How will my $15 monthly subscription help stop economic inequality and the 1%?

After paying fees to maintain our website we will use our net revenues to lobby on behalf of our members to stop economic inequality.

Is Today’s 99% Inc. the same as the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement?

No, we are distinctly different. Although we share the goal of stopping economic inequality and the oppression of the 99% by the 1%, our approach is different. Where the original movement did not succeed because they lacked leaders, plans, or significant financial backing, Today’s 99% has solved these deficiencies to make our platform a success.


Certainly! Our goal is to annually raise $4 billion through paid website subscriptions to counter the $3.7 billion spent on all lobbying in Washington – in 2021 the majority of these funds were spent by the 1%. To secure this revenue, we will need to recruit 22 million dues paying individuals (these are our VIP Subscription Paying Members), or approximately 16% of the 137 million people we believe agree with our goals. We believe this is doable through social media campaigns, advertising, and word of mouth.

What can I do to help the movement?

Register on the site and pay your $15 monthly subscription to become a VIP Member to help us meet our financial goals. Next, participate in our discussions and special projects to help guide the direction our platform takes. Both VIP Members and Free Members can make donations and tell their like-minded friends about our revolutionary movement. Use our Tell A Friend function on the navigation bar to share our website.

Is Today’s 99% Inc. only a US based movement?

No. Although it will start out as a US based movement it will eventually be expanded to other countries as subsidiaries so they too can enjoy lower levels of economic inequality to improve the quality of their lives. Eighty-two countries participated in the original protest movement and we expect a significant number of individuals from these countries will support our movement as it starts to grow.  

In development