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How Economic Inequality Works And Why Other Organizations Cannot Stop It

To Understand How Our Platform Works, One Needs To Understand Our Model Of How Economic Inequality Operates And Why Other Organizations Cannot Stop It.

The greater the economic inequality that exists within a nation, the greater the gradient between the rich and the poor that exists; it is this gradient that causes the toxic damage of economic inequality. An individual’s perceived ranking of where they stand in a socioeconomic hierarchy is important. Notably, this ranking process takes place at a subconscious level, not where we “think” at a conscious level.

When you walk into a room of strangers, your subconscious instantaneously places them into a hierarchical structure based upon your perception of their economic status. Everyone in the room is doing the same to you. As we subconsciously rank others, we rank our economic superiority or inferiority in relation to them. 

The core of economic inequality occurs subconsciously where neuronal research has determined 95% of our mental processing occurs. This does not exist at a conscious level where we think as is exhibited in other organizations. We cannot think our way out of economic inequality and so the Gini coefficient, a measure of economic inequality, continues to rise regardless of what these other organizations do because they cannot penetrate the subconscious.

Most organizations that individuals join operate at a conscious level to change social values, but this does not penetrate the subconscious mind where economic inequality is perceived and ranked. Subsequently, joining these other organizations will not reduce the level of economic inequality, as evidenced by a continual rise in the Gini coefficient. 

This process is akin to our fight- or- flight defense mechanism that is activated when we are startled. Over thousands of generations, subconscious processes have developed to bypass our conscious thinking to make instantaneous decisions about economic status. While it evolved to protect us and help us adapt to our environment, the effects can be harmful. This is how our minds work.

Given this mechanism, the best way to reduce economic inequality is to reduce the financial gap between the 99% and the 1% so there are fewer differences for our subconscious minds to perceive. This is best accomplished through wealth redistribution. 

There needs to be a transfer of wealth from the very rich to those that are not for any meaningful reduction of economic inequality to occur. In other words, there needs to be an actual transfer of wealth in some form from those that have more wealth, such as the 1%, to those that have less wealth, such as the 99%. This is a guiding light regarding reducing economic inequality. Once this transfer takes place to a significant degree, our subconscious mind automatically perceives this change in economic inequality and its toxic effects are reduced. 

Todays99Percent believes one of the best ways to transfer wealth from the rich to the poor is through lobbying Congress to change the laws regarding taxes so that the 99% will gain more wealth relative to the 1%. This will reduce economic inequality.

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